Where has WhittyBeauty Been?
Well for starters, I've been here! Behind the computer. I decided to take a break from my website for a couple months to take care of...

Boxy Charm February 2017
Boxy charm gets better and better every month! For those that don't know what boxy charm is it is a $21.00 a month beauty subscription...

Ipsy bag January 2017 unboxing!
Ispy is my favorite subscription service because of how personalized it is! It is $10.00 a month and you receive 5 full sized or...

Boxy Charm January 2017 unboxing
I just received my Boxycharm subscription box and my Ipsy one as well. For those that don't know what these are I'll give a quick...

Never Let Fear Decide Your Fate
"Never Let Fear Decide Your Fate" This is a quote that is currently hanging on my bedroom wall. It is truly a saying that I am trying to...

Current Skin Care Routine
Hi guys, I thought this would be a good place to share my current skin care routine with you. I currently have oily to combo ache prone...

This was defiantly the best find of the day! I found this in the valentines section of Target. They are two little cati in love and I...

Welcome to my blog!
Hi guys! I am so excited to be uploading creative content on here for myself and also for everyone else. This will be a place where we...