
What is Endometreosis?
My journey:
We're about to get personal here so prepare yourself. When I was 18 years old I was diagnosed with Endo, I had a laparoscopy and they found 32 spots. They were able to burn off some of them but many had to be left because it was too risky to remove or burn them. This isn't where it began for me, I've always had very painful periods. I'm talking the kind of crippling pain where not even pain meds could help. The last part of my senior year of high school was so hard and devastating. I missed so much school and I was in pain, 24/7. Then 2015 came along and I still wasn't doing well after surgery. In fact, I was in more pain. So we broke up with my gyno, who I won't even mention, and my mom and I took a journey for help. I found a specialist in Utah and they recommended me to physical therapy. This is what saved my life. After months of physical therapy, I found some relief and I was told I needed a follow-up. So I found a new specialist from many different recommendations and she also saved me. She prescribed me a medicine that changed everything. I gained weight but I was almost pain-free. This is my journey and I still deal with endo on a daily basis. But I'm here to share my journey to hopefully provide some hope to those who suffer with, a similar situation. Whether it be chronic pain or endometriosis. Maybe we can conquer this together?
Chronic pain:
Chronic pain is so personal and so lonely. I know when I had my worst days I would pull away from everyone. I didn't want to be a bother or on the opposite side, I didn't have the energy to please anyone or be pleasant. Chronic pain is a tricky one because physically you look fine. From the outside, you seem like a normal person, but on the inside, you are suffering. I think that's why it is so lonely. How do you begin to express pain to somone when they try to offer advice or try to help, when you know in that moment nothing really does help. It's hard not to feel helpless and hopeless during these moments of intense debilitating pain.
The main way chronic pain has affected me is that I am tired all the time. My body is fighting to just take care of itself and so mentally and physically I am exhausted. I also usually withdraw from people. Which might even be more painful than the actual pain its self.
*Disclaimer, I am not a professional. I'm just sharing my journey of endometriosis with you because during my journey there weren't many resources out there. This is what helped me, but everyone is different. What worked for me, may not work for you. Please still consult a doctor.